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   What You Can do To Help


  1. Respect beach boundaries! Don’t trespass and keep your lovely dogs on leash when signs tell to do so. Dogs can be predators to the Least Tern by chasing them; when a dog is noticed to be off leash, one can politely ask the person to follow the rules. It is up to YOU to help make a difference.

  2. Don’t tamper with fencing or ropes because they are purposely placed to protect the birds (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2013).

  3. Be careful when walking on the beach not to step of eggs and nests (California Least Tern, 2009)

  4. When purchasing pillows, mattresses, or any feature products; make sure to ask where the features came from and if they don’t know, do not buy it! (California Least Tern)

  5. Support reserves working to conserve and rehabilitate the Least Tern including San Elijo Conservatory (California Least Tern, 2017), The Sea and Sage Audubon Society (The Least Tern Project, 2016), San Diego Audubon Society (San Diego Audubon Society, 2017) by donating money and all of the non-profits have volunteer opportunities.

  6. Support your local beach clean up day

  7. Do not fly kites in protected breeding areas—they look like predators (Pocket guide to beach birds of California, 2009)!

  8. Help birds save their precious energy for survival by not chasing them at any time of year

  9. Report disturbances to local authorities—these birds are protected by law!


   Here are some links to volunteer at:


  1. Be careful with tourist activities to stay away from feeding or breeding zones such as water skiing, or any ocean activities. (California Least Tern, 2006)

  2. Educate yourself on where your products come from including illegally mined sad turned into glass products or un environmentally mined sand ie. CEMEX

  3. To protect wetlands you can…

    1. Participate in programs that do restoration

    2. Report any illegal activities such as filling, clearing or dumping to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the Army Corps of Engineers

    3. Pick up litter, clean drains clean, keep fertilizers and chemicals out of water drains

    4. Plant native trees, shrubs, and ground cover to enhance the biodiversity

    5. Avoid wetlands when doing construction

    6. Purchase phosphate free laundry detergent (including Seventh Generation) and cleaning products because phosphate can lead to algae blooms which suffocates the animals and plants

    7. Use unbleached paper products (Seventh Generation) because bleach is toxic

    8. Reduce, reuse, recycle! (NOAA Habitat Conservation)

  4. Educate others by sharing this website on facebook, instagram, twitter etc. do your part to ask questions and speak up.

Don't support unsustainable sand dredging companies.... 


© 2017-18 by Marks and Duzzi 


Sir Francis Drake High School


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